Waste and material management

VLAREMA (Flemish regulations on the sustainable management of material cycles and waste) and the 'Animal by-products and derived products Decree', in implementation of the Materials Decree, regulate the management of materials and waste.

This has two purposes: First: to establish the measures to create material cycles that safeguard human health and the environment from the harmful impact of waste production and management. Second: to counteract renewable and non-renewable resource depletion, material and energy waste in general and the harmful effects on humans and the environment which are related to material use and consumption.

We have the following areas of expertise:

  • waste or raw material?;
  • raw material certificate;
  • waste hierarchy (order of priority);
  • collection and processing of waste;
  • registering and reporting waste and material data;
  • taxes;
  • work plans and procedures;
  • quality assurance systems (IHM,…).